8 research outputs found

    En quête de la “génération C”

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    Cet article propose des observations sur l’évolution du tourisme et des consommateurs et suggère six facteurs qui bouleversent les pratiques professionnelles et sociales. L’avènement d’un nouveau type de consommateurs, “la génération C”, est discuté comme objet d’études et comme nouveau cadre d’analyse du tourisme. La recherche en marketing, qu’elle soit stratégique ou opérationnelle, doit adapter ses pratiques méthodologiques pour suivre et comprendre ces évolutions, afin de permettre aux entreprises et au secteur public de changer pour mieux satisfaire cette nouvelle génération de voyageurs. Le rôle de la recherche en marketing est de comprendre ces nouveaux consommateurs, de proposer de nouvelles méthodes de mesure adaptées aux changements, et de guider l’évolution des pratiques.This article provides observations on the evolution of tourism and tourists. It suggests six key factors that have changed professional and social practices. The advent of a new type of consumer, “Generation C”, is discussed both as an object of study and as a new analytical framework for the study of tourism. Strategic and operational marketing research must find new methods to measure and document this evolution, and to provide private and public tourism organizations with the tools to change and satisfy the new generation of travellers. The role of marketing research is to understand those new consumers, to propose new evaluation measures, and to guide business change

    Etude du développement de la filière arachide de bouche au Sénégal

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    Les arachides de bouche sont des arachides destinées à la consommation humaine, sans extraction d'huile. Les types d'arachides de bouche commercialisés correspondent aux trois grands types d'arachides cultivés : Virginia, Spanish et Valencia. Le marché international de l'arachide de bouche est actuellement un marché extrêmement porteur, favorable au développement par le Sénégal d'une production d'arachide de bouche de l'ordre de 50000 tonnes. Sur la base d'un rendement en usinage de l'ordre de 40% de produits finis sur la récolte mise en oeuvre et d'une production de 1100 kg/ha en culture pluviale, un tel programme nécessiterait la mise en culture de 115000 ha et une capacité de décorticage de l'ordre de 125000 tonnes. Cette synthèse analyse la situation générale du marché de l'arachide de bouche. L'étude régionalisée de la culture permet d'en identifier les particularités et les contraintes locales. Les aspects organisationnels, institutionnels et économiques sont également abordés. Les propositions d'action concernent la recherche adaptative, la production semencière, l'organisation de la filière et d'une cellule d'appui. Le coût total des activités proposées est estim

    Leisure Matters: Cross Continent Conversations in a Time of Crisis

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    Months after COVID-19 emerged as a newsmaker in Asia, a new strain of March Madness emerged in North America. Incredulity followed as leisure activities, hallowed as venues and expressions of individual and collective identity were closed. Freedoms, real and perceived, were curtailed. Like others, we sought to maintain social connections. For the first time in decades, our weekly on-line conversations became normative. Two authors remain working to sustain the academy’s work during this crisis and the other is retired. Spatially we reside in a major metropolitan area of 6 million, a small west coast college town, and a Great Lakes region vacation community. Our discussion connects leisure research and the context of basic rights that North Americans have long taken for granted. This commentary emerged from integrated discussion regarding how the crisis affects and may change leisure behavior from multiple perspectives

    Enhancing tourism education: The contribution of humanistic management

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    The tourism industry is a significant driver of the global economy and impacts societies all over the world that are currently experiencing radical change. Responding to these changes requires economic paradigms and educational systems based on new foundations. Humanistic tourism proposes a values-based disciplinary perspective for tourism at the intersection between humanistic and tourism management, and is rooted in human dignity and societal wellbeing. Integrating humanistic management principles into higher education tourism management programs, and changing the nature of what is taught and how, would benefit students, future managers and all stakeholders. This paper aims at improving higher education tourism programs by combining humanistic management education and the Tourism Education Futures Initiative’s (TEFI) values-based tourism education. It draws on an integrated Humanistic Tourism Education framework to help develop future tourism managers’ skills and abilities to adopt alternative leadership models within the sector and to foster critical and responsible tourism thinking and practice. With best-practice examples from three universities in three different countries, this study illustrates new pedagogical approaches and proposes recommendations for implementing humanistic tourism management in higher education with the aim of training ethical and responsible managers equipped with an awareness of the social, cultural, and environmental challenges – and possible solutions to these – in their respective destinations